Our Purpose
AIDInc's purpose is to produce timely, realistic, and sustainable solutions to health and socially driven problems within communities, government programmes and industry operations around the Caribbean, Latin America, and worldwide, thereby contributing effectively to poverty reduction and promotion of sustained livelihoods.
Through the AIDInc - HIV Alliance DFID-funded private sector partnership project in 2006 to 2009, the first ever collective Private Sector CSR Focused Pledge to share resources in support of HIV prevention and mitigation in vulnerable communities in the region was delivered;
Photo: Leaders in the Caribbean Tourism Industry pledge their commitment to the DFID Private Sector Project
From left to right: Roseann Myers – Project Ambassador and general manager of the Atlantis Submarines, Barbados; Malcolm McNeil – Senior Health Policy Advisor, DFID; Sir Peter Odle—Project Ambassador & President Caribbean Hotels Association & CEO, Mango Bay Hotel; Ms. Susan Springer - Project Patron & President of the Barbados Hotels Association; Horace Peterkin – Project Ambassador & CEO/General Manager – Sandals , Montego Bay, Jamaica