Our Vision
We Envisage a World Filled with Thriving Communities, Where Health and Social Problems Cannot Rise.

Our Human Rights Partnerships Approach to Stigma & Discrimination Reduction

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AIDInc joins forces with
Start-up, MarketWorks Global and its Partnes
to deliver a new strategy for
socioeconomic empowerment in

Bajan beauty RiRi kept it laid back and chic when she attended a charity event in Barbados as the Dance4life Ambassador . She kicked it with the kiddies who were taking part in the Dance 4 Life charity day, an initiative to help inspire and mobilize young people to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.

The Maria Holder Memorial Trust Donates Core Funds to Dance4lifebarbados for 4th Year
MHT continutes to fund the Dance4life intitiative in Barbados. the programme is demonstrating successes in youth leadership development, empowerment of youth in participating advocacy action and promoting a visible and audible platform for the youth voice to be heard and acted upon.
Emerging successes and lessons learned.
AIDInc are the founders and concept owners of this Caribbean focused Youth Development and Leadership Programme from 2009 to 2013. D4L uses novel youth-led schools and community-based approaches to design and implement action to tackle HIV & AIDS and other regional and global development issues through youth talent, voice, public platforms and partners. The youth advocate, implement programmes and engage their peers, teachers, community groups, private sector leaders and community actors and hold decision-makers accountable for change. D4L has delivered successful outcomes in Barbados and has expanded its reach to Belize and Guyana and beyond - sharing and adapting an emerging sucessful and innovative evidence informed youth empowerment model. Since 2014, D4L Barbados have been their own charity based in Barbados with a sustained stream of philanthropic and private sector funding.
View the videos

The World Bank - Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) in Belize
Since 2015, AIDInc has been commissioned by the World Bank and Government of Belize to conduct an Assessment of the National Health Insurance Pay for Performance (P4P) programme and deliver policy recommendations for sustainability and national scalability. The initiative is being co-led by Sarah Adomakoh, AIDInc UK principal consultant and executive director and Roger England, health systems expert. Sarah is leading the technical support to identify and address health information system gaps, structural issues and pitfalls in collection and monitoring processes, in order to improve overall tracking and evaluation of outcomes.
Read more about our work in HSS.
Taking Action Against HIV and AIDS in the UK Overseas Territories
AIDInc partnered with Options consulting as the regional programme managers for this DFID-funded 3-year programme which aims to strengthen the capacity of UK Overseas Territories to lead an integrated na onal HIV / SRHR response, thereby contributing to low transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV among at risk populations and improved quality of life of people living with HIV in the UK Overseas Territories. Read our brochure.

Human Rights-Based Anti-stigma & Discrimination Programming to increase access to Health, Education & Employment and improve outcomes in vulnerable & marginalised groups
AIDInc Combats Stigma and Discrimination and builds resources and partnerships for sustainability
AIDInc successfully implemented a first of its kind 3 -year DfID Contract to combat Stigma & Discrimination in the Caribbean Region. This project was deemed high risk and first ever to adopt a regional human rights evidence-based approach to reducing stigma and discrimination in all forms towards vulnerable and marginalized groups. At the same-time the project established and piloted a tripartite oversight and supportive ecosystem structure for fostering implementation and long-term sustainability, in the form of a regional stigma and discrimination unit (PANCAP-RSDU) situated in Barbados and coordinated through the HIV technical unit (PANCAP) of the CARICOM Government - in Guyana.
Not withstanding several obstacles and bottlenecks, at project end, 3.5 years later, significant capacity and voice was built among civil society, in particular, marginalised communities - empowering them to meaningfully lead national anti - stigma and human rights initiatives, underpinned by strong horizontal and vertical partnerships, i.e. with National AIDS programmes faith leaders, media and youth organisations. Beyond the project, a number of resources and tools are available, adapted and used by community groups to continue to target and empower vulnerable groups and reduce human rights violations enacted towards them.
AIDInc builds capacity in programme management, strengthens health systems and policy action to tackle HIV and AIDS in the British Overseas Territories.